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SATLANTIS obtains 20.000 images during its camera first month in orbit

After its installation on the ISS the last 10th of June, one day after the historic conversation between H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain and the ISS NASA Commander Chris Cassidy, SATLANTIS camera – iSIM-170 – achieved its target of 20.000 images in one month of operations.

Among the targets detected by iSIM-170 so far there are the Spanish Southern coast, an airport in France, a boat near Greece, the Emirates desert and more.

During its first month onboard the ISS, iSIM covered 540 orbits that allowed SATLANTIS to successfully complete the calibration process and take the pictures that are now being released.

The images are the result of years of work on the payload and included, since its installation on the ISS: 4 software updates, 5 thermal tests, and the collection of 224GB of data, all in the ISS frame which is subject to various constraints, including the communications channel to be shared with other hundreds of experiments onboard.

Today’s achievement is not only the collection of images but also the demonstration of the entire iSIM technology and in particular its Super Resolution feature, that allows iSIM to improve the spatial resolution by a factor of up to 2.5.

The Super Resolution made iSIM capable of clearly identifying airport signals on landing strips, cars, helicopters, etc. and put SATLANTIS in a very competitive position in today’s landscape of the Earth Observation market.

For SATLANTIS shareholders – everis ADS, Basque Government, University of Florida, among others – and partners – NASA, JAXA, Space BD – the iSIM-170 In-Orbit Demonstration is evidence of the actual role that SATLANTIS is playing as an international leader in the field of miniaturized optical payloads.

As Juan Tomás Hernani, CEO, commented: “this endeavour will get SATLANTIS in a new financial round of 26 Million EUR, with current shareholders and new strategic partners.”

Links to other news:

AVIONREVUE: https://www.avionrevue.com/espacio/la-camara-satlantis-alcanza-20-000-imagenes-desde-iss/

HISPAVIACIÓN: http://www.hispaviacion.es/la-camara-optica-de-dimensiones-reducidas-de-satlantis-instalada-en-la-iss-ya-ha-empezado-a-funcionar/

EL ECONOMISTA: https://www.eleconomista.es/economia/noticias/10672538/07/20/La-compania-espanola-Satlantis-alcanza-las-20000-imagenes-espaciales-en-su-primer-mes-de-funcionamiento.html

EUROPA PRESS: https://www.europapress.es/ciencia/laboratorio/noticia-primera-mini-camara-espacial-optica-toma-20000-imagenes-mes-20200717120416.html

ACTUALIDAD AEROESPACIAL: https://actualidadaeroespacial.com/la-camara-de-satlantis-comienza-a-enviar-imagenes-para-la-observacion-de-la-tierra/

SERVIMEDIA: https://www.servimedia.es/noticias/1281330

NOTIMÉRICA: https://www.notimerica.com/ciencia-tecnologia/noticia-primera-mini-camara-espacial-optica-toma-20000-imagenes-mes-20200717120441.html

EL CANDELERO TECNOLÓGICO: https://elcandelerotecnologico.com/2020/07/17/la-camara-espanola-satlantis-alcanza-las-20-000-imagenes-espaciales-en-su-primer-mes-de-funcionamiento/

LA GACETA: https://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/852025/me-gusta/minicamara-espacial-dispositivo-tomo-20000-imagenes-alta-resolucion-mes.html

ANTENA 3: https://www.atresplayer.com/antena3/noticias/tu-tiempo/julio-2020/17-07-20-mas-calor_5f11b6687ed1a848ecabb71d/ (from min 08:38)

ANTENA 3: https://www.atresplayer.com/antena3/noticias/noticias-2/julio-2020/20-07-20-el-parlament-pide-la-comparecencia-de-pedro-sanchez-pablo-iglesias-y-salvador-illa-por-las-muertes-por-coronavirus-en-residencias_5f15e0137ed1a887f0bdc8f8/?authData=google-login (from min 33:03)