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Defence & Security

Sovereign Space-based Earth Observation End-to-End solutions.

Satellite capacity model to provide data for critical missions.

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Defence and security missions

Earth Observation is key for applications related to the defense and security domain, and especially Very High-Resolution (VHR) imagery, that enables multiple Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations.

SATLANTIS has been developing instruments and features specifically tailored for defence and security, to optimize the satellite and payload resources, and provide small satellites complementary to existing and traditional assets.

Key features

Video Capability
Simultaneous Visible and Infrared Imagery
High Agility imagers to continuously track irregular structures on the Earth’s surfac
Enhanced Onboard Processing capability for targets detection

Some of these characteristics rely on previous experience gained serving civil applications and have been optimized and adjusted to some specific operations scenarios useful for defence and security, supported by key user requirements.

EU Projects

SATLANTIS participates in EU projects in the Defence & Security domain


OPTISSE “OPTIcal payload for Small Satellites for defence applications” is a project awarded within the EDIDP-SME-2019 Call for Proposal, ideated by a Consortium of six companies from five European Member States, namely:

The action duration was 12 months and was successfully completed in November 2021.

The long-term and final aim was to address the Maritime Surveillance needs of the Union and the participating Member States. The Consortium led by SATLANTIS studied and designed an integrated system, compatible with a <100 kg microsatellite platform, composed of four critical technologies for European Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions, namely: a Very-High Resolution multispectral imager able to reach sub-metric resolution under very agile satellite operations enabled by its AOCS subsystem, with electronics that enables almost real-time on-board data processing for detection and identification of vessels, and a transmitter for a high data-rate download.


NEMOS “Novel Earth and Maritime Observation Satellite” is a project awarded within the EDIDP-MSC-MFC-2020 Call for Proposal, ideated by a Consortium of nine companies from five European Member States, namely:

The action kicked-off in 2021 and is currently ongoing.

The objective of NEMOS project is to design an Earth Observation small satellite mission and scale-up constellation, that includes all segments (Flight, Launch, Ground and User), to provide near real-time surveillance of maritime littoral, harbour, and critical infrastructure protection, thus contributing to the complete Recognized Maritime Picture (RMP) and providing the participating Member States (MS) and the European Union with actionable data. Plus, multiple Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) operation scenarios are under assessment, to enlarge the overall mission capacity to other critical applications.